The Phoenix Zoo is excited to host its Teen Career Conference in-person once again! This event is geared towards teens, grades 9-12, and their educational support networks (parents, educators, career/college counselors, etc.) who are interested in exploring different careers in the world of animal science. Attendees will experience what it is like to attend a professional conference and engage in a variety of activities, including:

  • Hearing from specially selected speaker panels comprised of a range of experts in zoology, conservation, animal husbandry, and veterinary care working both within the Zoo and in the field. Speakers will offer insights into their career paths and provide advice on breaking into their respective fields.
  • Networking with representatives from the Phoenix Zoo and other scientific and educational institutions from around the Valley to learn about their programs and opportunities for teens.
  • Attending a professional skill-building workshop led by the Phoenix Zoo’s Human Resources team on how to write resumes and cover letters, and how to successfully interview for the job of your dreams.

Event Details


February 10, 2024


Phoenix Zoo or virtual via Zoom


9 a.m. – 4 p.m.


Registration is now closed.


8 a.m.              Check-in Begins (light breakfast provided)

9 a.m.              Welcome and Keynote Speaker

9:30 a.m.        Trends in Animal and Conservation Sciences Speaker Panel

10:15 a.m.       Break

10:30 a.m.      Attendees Choice Panel Discussions

  • Animal Care Professionals at the Phoenix Zoo
  • Diverse Career Paths in Conservation and Animal Sciences

11:30 a.m.       Lunch provided

12:30 p.m.      Inspiring Journeys: Young Professionals Speaker Panel

1:30 p.m.        Break

1:45 p.m.        Preparing for Your Journey: Skill-Building Workshop

2:45 p.m.       Exhibit Hall and Networking

3:45 p.m.       Closing Remarks

4 p.m.             Optional  “More than a Zookeeper” Tour

Agenda is subject to change.

Thank you to our sponsors!

The event is geared towards teens in grades 9-12 and their educational support networks (parents, educators, career/college counselors, etc.) but other ages/groups are allowed to attend. Any attendees younger than 14 years old must be accompanied by an adult. All attendees must have a ticket .

If your child is aged 14 or older you may drop them off and pick them up at the end of the event. Phoenix Zoo staff will be stationed along the Nina Mason Pulliam School Entrance sidewalk monitoring drop off and pick up. All participants must be picked up from the Phoenix Zoo no later than 5:00PM when the Phoenix Zoo closes. Any participants ages 13 and under must be accompanied by an adult who must also purchase a ticket.  

Yes. The registration cost includes a continental-style breakfast during check-in from 8-9:00 a.m. and a boxed lunch. Please list any dietary restrictions on your registration form.  

How many people does it take to run a zoo? There’s a lot of work going on every day at the Phoenix Zoo that many never even notice. Throughout the More Than a Zookeeper Guided Tour, participants will view the zoo from a different perspective. A zoo instructor will lead the group in discussions and an activity, while exploring some of the jobs necessary to run a successful zoo and conservation program.

This is a professional-style conference so attendees are encouraged to dress professionally yet comfortably. Attendees that sign up for the optional tour at the end of the day should be aware that this is a walking tour and should wear shoes that are comfortable for walking in.  

We are inviting local organizations and educational institutions to have a table to share with attendees more about their organization and the opportunities they have available. This is a great opportunity to network with like-minded organizations to see how and where to get involved! 

We will have some of our Ambassador Animals out during the check-in hour from 8-9:00 a.m. The event will take place in our Neely Education Center and the Stone House Pavilion and regular programming will not include time to explore the Zoo. Attendees may sign-up for an optional tour at the end of the Conference which will run from 4-5:00 p.m.  

Attendees joining the event virtually will be able to participate in the speaker panels from 9:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Lunch is not provided for virtual attendees and Exhibit Hall organizations will not have virtual booths. 

Check-in will take place at the Nina Mason Pulliam School Entrance just south of the main entrance. Check-in runs from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. If you arrive after 9:00 a.m., you must enter through the main entrance. Don’t forget to bring your PDF ticket which is attached to your email confirmation – this is your ticket to the event and will be scanned at check-in.  

We are currently looking for donors and sponsors for this event. If you are interested in being considered for financial assistance if some becomes available, please email

Refunds can be obtained until January 27, 2024 (two weeks prior to the event). There are no refunds for “no-shows”.