"Flock" This Way
New Arrivals at the Phoenix Zoo
We are excited to share that recently the Phoenix Zoo transported 11 greater flamingo eggs from the San Diego Zoo Safari Park to the Phoenix Zoo, following an Association of Zoos & Aquariums Species Survival Plan recommendation.
Within 24 hours of arrival, two eggs had begun internally pipping and the first chick had completely hatched by Thursday, May 16. The last (11th) chick hatched on Thursday, May 23!
We are excited to share that recently the Phoenix Zoo transported 11 greater flamingo eggs from the San Diego Zoo Safari Park to the Phoenix Zoo, following an Association of Zoos & Aquariums Species Survival Plan recommendation.
Within 24 hours of arrival, two eggs had begun internally pipping and the first chick had completely hatched by Thursday, May 16. The last (11th) chick hatched on Thursday, May 23!
Flock This WAy
Each day, our dedicated team of bird keepers take our flamingos for several walks. These birds grow fast, so it is important for them to get plenty of exercise; walks help for muscle strengthening and healthy growth.
Now that the chicks are older, we’ve mixed them in with our current flock of greater flamingos located between our zebras and otters in order to increase overall numbers and the likelihood of successful breeding.
Guests can see these walks up close! Our current walk time is tentatively scheduled for 7:30 a.m. daily* through August 31 beginning at the greater flamingo habitat next to the otters. These walks are weather and temperature-dependent; they cannot walk when it is over 100°. Check with staff at the front gate for updated times and routes.
The Zoo will also use these hand-reared birds as ambassador animals to provide more intimate experiences and closer connections for our guests, so look out for more fun flamingo encounters in the future!
*The health and well-being of the chicks is our top priority. Walks will be monitored closely by multiple staff members. Walk times are subject to change without notice.
that's zoo we are
The Phoenix Zoo is one of the largest non-profit zoos in the U.S., caring for over 3,000 animals, with nearly 400 species represented, including many threatened/endangered species.