Blessing of the
Black-footed Ferret
Blessing of the Black-Footed Ferret

On October 19, the Phoenix Zoo partnered with All Saints’ Episcopal Day School to share information about the conservation efforts taking place at the Zoo for the black-footed ferret. The school hosted a Blessing of the Animals and a plush black-footed ferret received blessings for all our black-footed ferrets, including 30 on their way to either be introduced to the wild or to join partner breeding programs. William Hart, Manager of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Organizational Learning presented Ms. Pack’s 1st grade class with several books on animal conservation and answered questions about the black-footed ferret and other animals at the Zoo.
The black-footed ferret is a small carnivore considered one of the most endangered in North America. In fact, they were thought to be extinct twice. From a small population discovered in 1981, an amazing story of bringing a native species back from near extinction is still unfolding today. In 1991, the Phoenix Zoo became involved with the black-footed ferret breeding and release program. We are one of only six black-footed ferret breeding facilities in the world. The Phoenix Zoo has produced over 500 black-footed ferrets in the more than 20 years that we have been involved with the program.