membership levels and benefits

Average cost of two visits without a membership: $279 (2 adults and 2 children)

Individual Plus
Family Plus
Guardian Conservation Society
Free Daytime Admission 1 Adult 2 Adults 2 Adults
4 Children
3 Adults
6 Children
3 Adults
10 Children
3 Adults
10 Children
Discounts on special events, including ZooLights paw paw paw paw paw paw paw
Discounts on encounters and experiences throughout the park paw paw paw paw paw paw paw
Invitations to Members-only events and exhibit openings paw paw paw paw paw paw paw
Members-only preview nights of ZooLights
(separate ticket purchase required)
paw paw paw paw paw paw paw
Safari Cruiser Tickets
($5 value each)
paw paw paw paw
Single, One-time use admission tickets
($39.95 value each)
2 included 4 included Upon Request
Member appreciation night at ZooLights paw paw paw
Donor Recognition on Zoo grounds paw paw paw
Complimentary Discovery Tour
(some restrictions apply)
paw paw
Buy Membership Buy Membership Buy Membership Buy Membership Become a Zoo Friend Become a Zoo Partner Become a Guardian

For each membership, at least one named adult is required. Additional adults may be named adults, unnamed guests or any combination.


You have several options when purchasing a membership. On your next visit to the Phoenix Zoo, stop by Membership located curbside, the Zoo’s Guest Services lobby, call the Membership Office at 602.914.4333 or join online now!

Your adventure starts as soon as we receive your application and payment. Please read the following for processing and activation times. If you purchased your membership…

On Zoo grounds:
Your membership is active right away! You will be given a membership ticket that serves as a temporary membership card up until you receive your physical card in the mail in 7-10 days. If you would like to visit before your membership card arrives in the mail, just stop by Member Services with your photo ID and you will be issued a Day Pass.

On the phone or online:

Your membership will be active right away. You will receive an email with a digital pdf of your card. You can also stop by Guest Services with your photo ID and you will be issued a Day Pass.

Through the mail:
Your membership will be active within seven business days. You will receive an email with a digital pdf of your card as soon as your request and payment are received. If you would like to visit before your membership card arrives in the mail, just stop by Member Services with your photo ID and you will be issued a Day Pass.

Note: If you renew early and adjust your membership level, your benefits will update to the new level at the time of purchase, regardless of your prior membership’s expiration date.

At the time of purchase on the individual plus through family plus memberships you can choose to name two adults or have one named adult and a flexible guest. Flexible guests can be an adult or child and can visit the Zoo with the named adult. Flexible guests cannot enter the Zoo without the named adult. A named adult is not interchangeable with a flexible guest at the time of entrance.

No. We do not offer memberships in a child’s name. Children may be included on the individual plus membership as the flexible guest. Children are included on the family and family plus membership, but they are not named. At least one named adult must be listed as a primary member on all memberships.

Your membership card will be mailed to you. You will receive it within 7 – 10 business days from the date we receive your payment.

If you haven’t received your membership materials within four weeks of joining, please call 602.914.4333 or e-mail us at

Sure! Stop by Member Services to request a Day Pass. Photo ID will be required for all named adults present when the Day Pass is issued.

Enjoy a free or discounted admission to more than 150 other zoos and aquariums! View the list here

  • Phoenix Zoo membership entitles the bearer to daytime admission to the Phoenix Zoo during regular operating hours for the duration of the membership term. Membership is non-refundable and non-transferable. Misuse may result in forfeiture. Membership prices and benefits are subject to change.
  • Benefits associated with any membership including, but not limited to, admission, guest and experience passes, discounts or accompanying membership privileges cannot be resold or bartered. Violation may result in suspension, cancellation and/or revocation of membership. Membership benefits have no cash value.
  • Special events or limited-time attractions may be subject to restricted access and/or additional fees.
  • Members must abide by the standard code of conduct for the Phoenix Zoo to ensure the safety and well-being for our members, guests, employees, volunteers and third-party vendors. Violations may result in the suspension, cancellation and/or revocation of membership.
  • When visiting the Zoo, you may be filmed, videotaped or photographed by the Phoenix Zoo. Your membership at the Zoo serves as permission for use of your image for promotional purposes by the Phoenix Zoo, Arizona Center for Nature Conservation and its constituents. Each guest individually and on behalf of his/her minor children further waives any right to pre-approval, royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of imagery. The commercial use of photographs, videos and film you take during your visit is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the Phoenix Zoo.